50m giveaway - soon (probably)

VoxelBreaker_ 19 फ़र. 2025, शाम 7:41 बजे 291
Majestic Heroic Legendary Epic

Hi Guys,

I was thinking about what to do for my next large giveaway, and I'm probably gonna do a 50m giveaway where 50 people win 1m each (that way a decent chunk of players get paid), but what are your suggestions? 

Don't say “give it to me!” or something like that, I want actual suggestions (Remember I can and I will ban you from giveaways for saying stupid stuff)

best suggestion might get 500k or something if i feel like it later


19 फ़र. 2025, शाम 7:41 बजे

hide and seek? or a partner based game, where you compete in different challenges, but only 1 of you could advance to finals or you could win nothing if you lose in finals. there could also be split or steals, or you can do a treasure hunt. or maybe a scavenger hunt.

19 फ़र. 2025, शाम 7:43 बजे


19 फ़र. 2025, शाम 7:44 बजे

Make 10 islands that have A buried chest that contains a 5 million dollar voucher (the voucher has a special code that varies per voucher) :D

19 फ़र. 2025, शाम 7:47 बजे

You could do like simon says or something like that.

19 फ़र. 2025, शाम 7:48 बजे
Majestic Epic

Make 10 islands with buried chests with 1 million vouchers in each chest

19 फ़र. 2025, शाम 7:53 बजे

Mrleaf bruh

19 फ़र. 2025, शाम 7:54 बजे

Maybe make riddles for people to figure out, and the first one to guess the answer wins 1m. Once 25m is given, change the riddles to making people one by one (the person will be picked from a wheel of all players that have entered) correctly answer the most questions as they can, and each correct question would be rewarding 500k x amount of correctly answered questions, until the 50m has been fully given away. I like riddles, I think trivia is too simple, so make this event a fun way to get money! Btw i need epic rank (not rn but in lifesteal ill give 3m to the seller)

19 फ़र. 2025, शाम 7:54 बजे

eell people could just Google or use Al.

19 फ़र. 2025, रात 8:01 बजे

yea but its the first person who can answer who cares if they do if they dont answer fast enough they cant earn the money

19 फ़र. 2025, रात 8:03 बजे

Still ppl use AI extensions

19 फ़र. 2025, रात 8:04 बजे

Or just scan it with iPhone

19 फ़र. 2025, रात 8:05 बजे

i dont think they can write the riddle or question fast enough to answer and they could lose the bet to guess. If someone alr knows the answer, GOOD FOR THEM

19 फ़र. 2025, रात 8:06 बजे

Bruh scanning with iPhone takes one millisecond

19 फ़र. 2025, रात 8:08 बजे

it all depends on speed and also voxel could tell that ur cheating cuz no human can answer 20 questions correctly in a minute :/

19 फ़र. 2025, रात 8:09 बजे

Ppl could. Time it to be realistic

19 फ़र. 2025, रात 8:11 बजे

split or steal challenges

19 फ़र. 2025, रात 8:11 बजे

bro only 10 people or less can win with ur idea mines more complex and fun cuz theres a lot to it

19 फ़र. 2025, रात 8:12 बजे

How about a pvp battle royale where everyone/50 people will have iron gear and whoever wins will get 1m. You have to do 50 times.

19 फ़र. 2025, रात 8:13 बजे

bruh im bad at pvp :(

19 फ़र. 2025, रात 8:14 बजे
Heroic Legendary Epic

Do like some sort of me beast challenge lol. Like Maybe strand ppl on an island with nothing but food and there's hidden chests with slips of paper that say you won some amount of money. Then they show it to you, then you go home with the money you won. It's be best if you did this with a lot of players, that way it isn't just like basically everyone wins a million.

19 फ़र. 2025, रात 8:22 बजे
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