The day that vote parties were changed from a donkey that had like 500 hits to players getting 10 vote keys and a chance of some other better keys even Legendary. The server economy increased by 10% each day. Boosting baltop from 10 mil to 20 mil in less than two weeks and quickly bought the server total from 100 million to 1 Billion.
When the first bundle called the 4th of July bundle was added to the arch shop it made the server play to win. The bundle gave users a sharp 6 axe. This axe could be used in a anvil to create sharp 7, sharp 8 and so on. Users with a sharp 8 axe could 3 shot a player in a god set. And after this bundle even more powerful gear and weapons were created making it 100% p2w.
Don't let the new survival be p2w and have a bad economy.
#Bring back old survival!
(Also tags suck why do people buy them)
I never spent a penny on arch mc
ummm it could be used in anvil????
me niether
Hater fr, how else is the server supposed to make money
Although yes the only reason arch is up is bc badmin is making profit why else would he waste his time in 13 yr olds
No offense but everyone in this world is a bit greedy and self centered except a like 1% of people
Isn't the money cap 100 mil not 1 bil
lol fr but he is talking abt total for everyone
or so i think so
Nah vote partioes are og
@HardenClay000 i 100% agree with your statement. It gives people who spend money on this game a VERY UNFAIR advantage, and honestly, they should just remove it. I know they need to make money to sustain ArchMC but like dude… come on
There’s no point stopping with the p2w cuz all the og ppl have either gone to ls, left completely or got banned. And idfc if they are scammers cuz they are OGs. that’s just my opinion,
Phoure the server makes more than enough money from ranks alone