should I quit?

InfamousTrader 26 फ़र. 2025, रात 11:55 बजे 368

so after I lost everything I was contemplating quitting

please give me your thoughts (except for NotBaconYT) its different now bc it is EOTW I lost to WSPsoccer2121)

26 फ़र. 2025, रात 11:55 बजे


26 फ़र. 2025, रात 11:56 बजे


26 फ़र. 2025, रात 11:56 बजे


I lost literally everything

26 फ़र. 2025, रात 11:57 बजे

You were gonna lose everything due to the reset anyways so don't sweat it, until then make friends and enjoy the time you have left, kindness still shines in the darkest of times. And I'm sure someone would be willing to brighten your life up.

26 फ़र. 2025, रात 11:57 बजे

but the maj rank I got scammed out of bc of WSigmaFR on another post

27 फ़र. 2025, रात 12:00 बजे

and tbh I don't think there will be a reset

27 फ़र. 2025, रात 12:01 बजे

Well you gotta think. it was a contest. people lose, and i think u shoulda won prob, you do have too remember there are unkillable people like BOBlol69 (no offense) So if they donated itd be the best

27 फ़र. 2025, रात 12:02 बजे

no literally RIGHT AFTER I GAVE HIM THE GODSET he left

27 फ़र. 2025, रात 12:04 बजे

Oooh… thats sus, but you call him out aand he'll prob make a joke, refund, or try to avoid bad press

27 फ़र. 2025, रात 12:05 बजे

I tried

27 फ़र. 2025, रात 12:06 बजे

When he was online?

27 फ़र. 2025, रात 12:07 बजे

idk I don't look at the time

27 फ़र. 2025, रात 12:09 बजे

oh when he was online ya

27 फ़र. 2025, रात 12:09 बजे

Huh, I say make a big deal outta it.

27 फ़र. 2025, रात 12:12 बजे

Don’t quit I have op sword I can give you it

27 फ़र. 2025, रात 12:30 बजे

ok please

27 फ़र. 2025, रात 12:56 बजे
Majestic Mythic Heroic Epic


27 फ़र. 2025, रात 1:51 बजे


27 फ़र. 2025, रात 3:07 बजे

jolty choose f2p

27 फ़र. 2025, रात 3:08 बजे

wait a sec

27 फ़र. 2025, रात 3:09 बजे
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