buying good grinding sword

AidenThe10th_alt 3 मार्च 2025, शाम 6:00 बजे 173

reason: my dumbass classmate slapped his hand on my keyboard while i was playing, dropped my inquiz 4 sword on the ground WHERE IT DESPAWNED IN 2 SECONDS

offering up to 300k depending on condition and enchants.

reuquirements: must be netherite, must have at least inquiz 4, already have regular gsword enchants

3 मार्च 2025, शाम 6:00 बजे

average classmate moment: my friend made me drop my sword so he could have it (he pressed q on my keyboard)

3 मार्च 2025, शाम 6:01 बजे

i can make 1 if u want

3 मार्च 2025, शाम 6:01 बजे

ok ty coolnish!!!

3 मार्च 2025, शाम 6:03 बजे


3 मार्च 2025, शाम 6:13 बजे


3 मार्च 2025, शाम 6:16 बजे






































3 मार्च 2025, शाम 6:16 बजे






































































































































3 मार्च 2025, शाम 6:17 बजे


3 मार्च 2025, शाम 6:18 बजे

show_sum_mercy GET OUT

3 मार्च 2025, शाम 6:18 बजे
Majestic Epic

Average day with a 9 year old eagler kid who thinks he is him because someone gifted it.

3 मार्च 2025, शाम 7:19 बजे

theexistant me? i had to grind everything and my classmate just made me lose it in 3 sec. im just trynna buy another one why so mean :(

3 मार्च 2025, रात 8:53 बजे

ummmm so coolnish when can i buy it? itd be helpful if you could tell me the date and exact time

5 मार्च 2025, दोपहर 4:36 बजे
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