im quitting anyways so should I give to mp12o9 or someone else
Honestly, it's up to you. I would like the majestic for another possible giveaway to those who have helped me. It up to you I guess. We will miss you! Hope things work out in the end!
I prob giving to mp idk who to give
I will miss you bro I remember u gave me 4k in ls your a w I'll miss u
i will drop by after reset but i dont see a need in being addicted anymore
if possible I want a better rank but I don't think u wanna give me majestic anyways I'll miss u
I'll do giveaway agree easy if you give it to me =D
give to Ihaveskillissue
‘’someone whos been mythic for quite a while'' thats me
Yall hate me fr
give to light
hello I have no badges or rank may I get it plz thanks
What up wsigma
we had our ups and downs and i rem the amoynt of times we talked and i asked u for maj giveaway evwrday thinking ill acctually get well seeing you leave will affect many of us including me
you leaving will leave a whole in many of us
oh btw gimme the maj rank i ask again and byèeeeee
What up wsigma
we had our ups and downs and i rem the amoynt of times we talked and i asked u for maj giveaway evwrday thinking ill acctually get well seeing you leave will affect many of us including me
you leaving will leave a whole in many of us
oh btw gimme the maj rank i ask again and byèeeeee
What up wsigma
we had our ups and downs and i rem the amoynt of times we talked and i asked u for maj giveaway evwrday thinking ill acctually get well seeing you leave will affect many of us including me
you leaving will leave a whole in many ooh btw gimme the maj rank i ask again and byeeeeee
Wsigmafr u still owe me a legendary rank, so please pay up before you leave.
(I have been waiting for months alr)
And gl in cath high
Give it to me man
i dont need maj, but ill try to gte it anyway
give it to someone rank less and good at the game like me I got a rank 970 in bed wars
Could I please buy epic rank from you sir. I just got scammed earlier today. I will do anything please