Check Ban Appeals the Moment The Dupe Glitch has been Patched for Both Servers
A_Very_GentleTem 17 July 2024 06:31 67
2 month(s) ago

I know admins are currently working on fixing stuff relating to the dupe glitch but their is currently a sizeable amount of players who have been wrongfully banned waiting on unbans (including me). I think the main priority of admins after the dupe glitch has been fixed is to have a long day of checking ban appeals and support tickets cause trust me I believe they are piling up. Also can some admin check my ban appeal like seriously I was helping you prevent the dupe glitch by reporting it and burning the stuff, so my legit money (which is all of my money) wouldn't become worthless after an inflation of duped stuff. Also the rules even says you get a reward for reporting stuff in the rules, @X16C (the admin who banned me) is my reward for helping a perma-ban? Anyways, sorry admins for being kinda demanding in this post i know you guys are busy, sorry for adding more stuff to your to-do-list but these things NEED to be done in the next few days.

also here is the thing you don't ever wanna see:

Oyuncu - oklahomaaaa Majestic
2 month(s) ago

I got the same thing after GGGaminggo gave me some gsets (he told me that he wasnt duping).

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