We have a national emergency. No, scratch that, a global emergency. The Color Code Gremlins (thats right arch mc grmemlinss ) (I want to strangle them but whtever) have taken over the server, running around with their fancy &4&c&lFAKE MOD TEXT like they own the place. I log in expecting a chill time, and instead, I’m hit with a Technicolor nightmare. One second, I think the server is announcing an update, and the next, it’s just some dude named _____ roleplaying as the owner. I CAN’T LIVE LIKE THIS. At this rate, someone is gonna type in so many colors that they accidentally summon Herobrine himself. I fully expect to see a ‘&6YOU HAVE BEEN MUTED message, only to realize it’s just Timmy with a keyboard and a dream. The next step? Someone’s gonna impersonate THE SERVER. That’s right, I’m calling it, soon, we’ll get a ‘&cTHE SERVER IS SHUTTING DOWN’ message, and half the player base will cower in fear.
And next it needa stop im not just talking abt N--B----YT (ifykyk) THERES LIEK 15 GOD DAMN PEOPLE WHO DO THIS AND ITS FREAKING ANNOYING
notbacon does color impersonating?
Oi fancy a spot of tea? Thou shalt not cap
AND btw tea is Good
You did say me we all know who youre saying
chill its not that deep
over exaggerating goofy ahh
I already got muted what else the fuck do you want 2ny smh
dick dick is a type of deeeeeeeeeer