
InfamousTrader 7 मार्च 2025, सुबह 7:21 बजे 51

I lost my full EOTW set to a scammer WSPsoccer2121 can I get the set back

7 मार्च 2025, सुबह 7:21 बजे
Mythic Heroic Legendary Epic

only retards get scammed - kyro

7 मार्च 2025, सुबह 8:01 बजे

I still haven't lost mine lol

7 मार्च 2025, सुबह 8:14 बजे

But i need it

8 मार्च 2025, शाम 7:22 बजे

i dont understand how kids can just push all their problems to staff and expect them to be fixed; like this isn't even a problem with the game its a problem with YOU. solve your own problems.

8 मार्च 2025, शाम 7:23 बजे
Majestic Epic

scamming is against rules btw but staff don't care: arch.lol/ingame-rules

8 मार्च 2025, शाम 7:26 बजे

he didnt get scammed he basically just got tp trapped which is kinda on him

8 मार्च 2025, शाम 7:27 बजे
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