I'd Like To Thank:
MrLeafYT, for being Leafy
Hi_iH my IRL friend
TurnipTomato123 my lil bro
mugum245, nice but kinda stupid sometimes (not being mean just makes bad choices)
THEGOAT_12377333, first person I met who had a shop :D
TheImfamousgamer, gave me moi ranks ;-; so nice
2NY1187, goofy person like me responding to 99.99% of forum posts XD
I'm missing a lot of people my bad, if I missed you respond here, I haven't played archmc in a while so yeah
K, so the reason I'm quitting is because I'm going on vacation to Aruba (I think that's what it's called) for a week and I'm not bringing my Chromebook along to play eaglercraft Archmc, so It's not my fault but I have to quit for a week :D. I'll be back tho
have fun taking a break - hope you have a great time!
I got banned off rice of a fking chargeback that I didn’t not authorize
so rip me
thank god its only a week