I lost mine to WSPsoccer2121 so please if you can gift me it it would mean the world to me
Pls no hateful comments
I will show proof
dang but i dont know if my dad with accept buying EOTW sword
And if I get maj instead I'm okay with that too
why would i give it to you
Idk, to be a good person
You don't have to im just asking
Both cost about the same so
If anyone gives me major or EOTW sword imma be happy and delete my posts
InfamousTrader i think its called Majestic not Major
or is it short word for Majestic?
oh ok
No maj is a short term of majestic
oh so you just spell major as your short term word for Majestic
No just “maj”
dang i thought i had it T-T