I alr quit and everyone knows that. I have 50 creds left and i would like to trade for paypal ill give 3 credits for 2 USD on paypal/stripe so on and so fourth ill give u some profit i rlly need money for studies cuz im entering college and i cant fund my studies. i would like to sell my credits PLS DM ME ON DISCORD OR WRITE HERE. If u wanna dono to me through paypal/stripe write here or dm me on discord (WSigmaFr_15028) the name showing up will be OblivionBS PLS DO THE TRADE FOR CREDITS OR PLS DONO for my studies.
im broke but free?
slide 2 creds frfr
dont send him the money first cuz he's always scamming
Hmmmm, i got a gift card that has a little bit left that I could trade. I got $1.56 left in this gift card that I'll give u access to for 2 creds =D. My discord is Phoure.
WSigmaFr does NOT scam right here
the glaze is crazy
I got a 25$ movie gftcrd