Why do people hate me?

InfamousTrader 10 मार्च 2025, दोपहर 3:55 बजे 164

I was betrayed by two of the ppl i thought were friends bc I got an opportunity and was spawn killed by my first ever team. WispTheDragon said we were never friends in the first place and Bunnella ignored me for asking for a little money and if you see Bunnella you could've js said no. I don't know why I'm hated or what I did to become hated. I can't trust many ppl anymore bc of it either. All I want is to not feel weak in the server I put most of my time grinding on. I have four people who I accually trust; V01DYT, JoltyPKM9, Luv_loll and my gf JiangFeng. Will someone tell me why I am so hated please. And the people who betrayed me who aren't listed are EdgarMain69, owg, WSPsoccer2121, and my oldest teammate who quit a long time ago so I forgot his name. I'm not sure if I can trust Skurry_fr because she is very distant nowadays but please tell me why I'm so hated. I also trust Walker97541

10 मार्च 2025, दोपहर 3:55 बजे

owg and me are okay with each other now

10 मार्च 2025, दोपहर 3:57 बजे

i would never be mean to you :D

10 मार्च 2025, दोपहर 3:59 बजे

Thank you _Bored_

10 मार्च 2025, दोपहर 3:59 बजे

you can ask me for anything :D

10 मार्च 2025, दोपहर 4:04 बजे

I would but ppl ignore me when I do tho.

10 मार्च 2025, दोपहर 4:09 बजे
Mythic Epic


10 मार्च 2025, दोपहर 4:17 बजे

Please someone tell me why ppl hate me

10 मार्च 2025, दोपहर 4:30 बजे

idk why people hate you but not everyone hate you

10 मार्च 2025, दोपहर 4:53 बजे

I don't talk to Tanq and he hates me

10 मार्च 2025, शाम 5:03 बजे

the comments

10 मार्च 2025, शाम 5:44 बजे

Ok but what does that have to do with me? And why ppl hate me?

10 मार्च 2025, शाम 5:52 बजे

I accually don't get why people hate me

10 मार्च 2025, शाम 6:24 बजे

Please tell me

10 मार्च 2025, शाम 6:41 बजे

i dont hate u…

10 मार्च 2025, शाम 7:36 बजे

me neither

10 मार्च 2025, शाम 7:39 बजे

NotBaconYT and WispTheDragon  do

10 मार्च 2025, शाम 7:52 बजे

thats their problem

10 मार्च 2025, शाम 7:58 बजे
Legendary Epic

People think that u are a knock off Imfany. I don’t but they do

10 मार्च 2025, रात 8:12 बजे

i think hes fine

10 मार्च 2025, रात 8:13 बजे

yoo Imfamistrader you can team with me just msg me

11 मार्च 2025, सुबह 9:25 बजे
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