hello these are some of the griefers of arch creative, please do not give perms to them or interact with them
3. otoposis (Griefed lobol's plot and Duck_W00ls's plot)
4. Lan(?) (They ALLEGEDLY griefed someone)
5. River_Civer (Griefed ALOT of ppls) (there are some: AnyaGamer, JosephRoblox, UQK, and etc…)
no one asked about this list but im gonna check in every once in a while to see if you guys got some good names
It's kinda like an archive tbh
Yousef_Zaza griefed DiscipleOfPrimus's plot
Yousef_Zaza? i feel like that name is familiar
Mate here's my list of griefers, i hope they are banned
XD_Ava_XD (griefed me once)
_Jiffi (Griefed Sunstroke_ once)
Mate can you please nerf invis potions? griefers are to smart rn.
i checked in no more new names really :(
Endergamer_MC has griefed some people
DoodleDimension (Griefed Me)
dodobirdMC - griefed rickroll_pglyde's plot
I am aware of this as I was a witness of the incident.
Little_Milo: took my op items and ran
pls add me to the list of griefers lmao