Hey can anyone tell my how to allow people to teleport to my land but not allow them to open chests or break blocks? I can't seem to figure it out! Thanks!
Please can someone help? I see 15 views…lol there should be someone who knows….
On ur land setting there is a option to let ppl be allowed to to into ur land
Also if u can msg me when I’m online ( I have majestic ) I’ll give u more details cuz I can’t remember how to do it exactly
I have looked in the lands settings and natural flags…but i dont see it there. I will check the whole of lands again. And to ensure I don't get scammed or something thereabouts I am not gonna let anyone join my land and be an admin to do it themselves… Thanks though!
Go to land settings, click roles, click untrusted, and click the able to teleport to spawn button. Make sure you don't have any other settings enabled!
Oh wow thank you so much!!!