inactive accounts are a huge problem for us builders, they take up precious space that we want to claim, if we are building massive builds, noone likes it when inactive accounts are all around them. And it is evident that when we do /plot auto, we always get a plot surrounded by these innactive accounts. I say we have a petition to remove all plots that dont have anything in them, ok?
well in the plotsquared plugin theres a feature called “/plot buy” but badmin didnt add a vault/economy plugin so it dosent work (/plot buy allows u to buy inactive account's plots)
that is a pain
although im barely on creative
also this belongs in suggestions not the forums
I put it in the suggestions also, but thanks for supporting
also KinitoNarp, for a plot to be for sale, the owner needs to sell it, many inactive users don't sell their plots, so its not much help even if the economy/vault plugin
support the suggestion here:
Regarding your issue:
Why does it bother you? each plot is separated, and you can get more plots by voting. if you want two plots close to each other then claim the extra plot near each other. it does not affect you in any way.