Important Commands needed in Creative

OfficialCookie Aug 27, 2024 9:01 AM 971

Important Commands needed in Creative!!

I was wondering if it might be possible to add a few commands to creative as it could actually enhance the gameplay experience for players involved. These commands are a staple on most creative servers because they make everything so much easier!! Unfortunately, this server doesn't have these commands, which makes it really difficult for us builders honestly.

Here are some commands I recommend adding:

/plot trust [player]
I find it very frustrating that my friend cannot build on my plot unless I'm online, so I would really appreciate it if you could add a trust command. The trust command allows other players to build and interact with the plot even when owner is not online. Overall, it just speeds up the whole process. This command would elevate the gameplay for sure!

/plot chat

Adding the plot chat command on the server would enhance communication among builders working on the same plot. It would allow players to have uninterrupted focused discussions without cluttering the main chat. This command is standard on many creative servers and would be an incredible addition here. Addition of this command would also improve teamwork.


This is a very basic command in my opinion, it would allow players to quickly invite friends to locations without having them to send a request themselves. This command would simplify movement across the plots making it more user-friendly, especially for new players.

I understand there might be reasons for not having this command already, but I thought it could be worth considering :))
On other creative servers, commands like this are standard as they make building plots so much easier, it is a small change that has a big impact to be honest!! I appreciate your consideration and I am open to further discussion,

hoping for implementation of these commands.

thankyou! :)

Aug 27, 2024 9:01 AM

the /plot trust command been removed cus admins wanted tO pReVenT rAiDs

/plot chat been removed cuz idk why, anyway if you want to make a priv chat use /party

/tpahere been removed cuz some ppls wont read the tp request text ("[Player] wants you to tp to him!)

and may annoy them :3

Aug 27, 2024 12:45 PM
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