I lost my acc

Noah_boy 6 сен 2024 г., 15:45 1183
Majestic Mythic Heroic

So basically I was banned for 30 days and forgot my account password….. what do i do.

also i had an email with it

6 сен 2024 г., 15:45
Heroic Legendary Epic

Hi Noah_boy,

When you first join the server, type: /email recover [email].

This will send a message to whatever email is associated with your account, and when you type in the code from the message you can log into your account. Just don't forget to change your password back to something you want (it automatically resets to a random password once you recover your account).

Hope this helps,


6 сен 2024 г., 16:12
Majestic Mythic Heroic

I tried that multiple times and it just says invalid email

Any staff or mods pls help

7 сен 2024 г., 11:10
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