Guide to allowing people to teleport to your land's spawn.

Grandknight 11 sept. 2024 18:26 856
Majestic Legendary

Hello everyone!

    Here are the steps to allowing untrusted people to teleport to your land's spawn.

  1. Go to your land's roles.
  2. Left click on the untrusted role.
  3. Then towards the bottom left corner, there should be a green box that says “Action Flags” and click it.
  4. The setting to allow people to teleport to spawn is the Eye of Ender.
  5. It will say disabled, so click it to enable.
  6. Then go to the left (to the gate icon) and make sure people are allowed to enter the area. If enabled, your good! If disabled enable by clicking it.

Those are the steps to allowing people to teleport to your lands' spawn! Hope this helps!


11 sept. 2024 18:26
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