Insane Bedwars Rounds

A_Very_GentleTem 5 अक्टू. 2024, रात 9:39 बजे 191

So I was in a round of quads and it was about to reach the game over until … It goes into negative time. Both sides got extremely stacked and the number kept going negative. In the end I did lose because lag crashed when it hit -16: -00 seconds. I did take a picture before crashing tho. Really cool glitch allowed for an extremely stacked round.

5 अक्टू. 2024, रात 9:39 बजे

tf is that goofy ahh texture pack

5 अक्टू. 2024, रात 9:42 बजे

God bridge wool enters the chat

5 अक्टू. 2024, रात 10:54 बजे
Majestic Epic

no need to hate @himself

7 अक्टू. 2024, दोपहर 11:55 बजे
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