
_Sean_ 6 अक्टू. 2024, दोपहर 12:02 बजे 219

When i was 1v1 with LOLfit Theringleader helped him but LOLfit already accept! and he killed me, i want to kill LOLfit cuz he took my best sword

6 अक्टू. 2024, दोपहर 12:02 बजे

Okay. Firstly, WHY DIDNT U 1V1 him in the PVP arena? Keep inventory is on there. Also, I bet ur best sword still sucked like even if it had all enchants its kinda useless cause the actual good players p2w and get like Sharpness 7 swords and stuff

6 अक्टू. 2024, रात 9:18 बजे
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